Smitten With You (Bouman 2015)

Picture of Smitten With You daylily

Smitten With You (2015) Momentum X (Sherry Lane Carr x Eager and Early)

Tetraploid, 6, 33, Dor, ML, 5 br, 25 buds, fertile both ways. Warm orange yellow with ruffled edges, inset white midribs,  and a green throat. 

Breeding with Momentum always brings welcome surprises.  I had a pale pastel yellow seedling with gorgeous form and it needed a better scape.  Bingo!  Momentum delivered. 

Warm orange coloration

A month after I lost Kathy Bouman to cancer, an acquaintance named Karen Berry told me I was welcome to visit if I ever needed to talk to someone or just sit on the deck and drink a beer.  I took her up on the invitation two days later.  Day by day, our initial rapport developed into a serious romance.  And so, even while grieving the loss of Kathy, I became engaged to marry Karen, and this flower stands as the marker of that unexpected new love that came into my life when part of me was pure wreckage.

Don't be put off by how gorgeous this flower is in the garden.  It will grow on you!